Start Taking Charge Today!
Discover the Rewards of Our Mentorship/Scholarship Program
Personal Development Workshop
GIC’s signature 9-week Personal Development Workshop, mentees are given techniques, insights, training and a platform for discussion.
Shellreter Owens Scholarship Fund
Girls In Charge (GIC) believes it is our responsibility to encourage, as well as financially support the advancement of education in the lives of our young girls through the "Shellreter Owens Scholarship Fund".
Girl’s Serve
Girls’ ages 10 to 19 who want to make a difference in their lives and community while committing themselves to making positive choices will meet every 3rd Saturday to give back to the community.
DREAM Teen Parent Program
GIC believes that teen parents (and their child/ren) deserve a chance to take charge of their lives. We strive to produce Dedicated, Responsible, Educated, Aspiring and Motivated (DREAM) mothers.
The Parent/Guardian Effect
We offer parent workshops to educate parents about the program and empower them with parenting skills.
Tutoring Program
We plan to incorporate our mentoring program to coincide with the Public school calendar by establishing a tutoring program along with extra help in academic areas where individuals are showing signs of difficulty or falling behind.
To enroll in our Mentorship/Scholarship program click on globe and download our enrollment form
GIC Girls Enrollment
Take Charge Of Your Life Today!